Cardio Tennis is an engaging group fitness program featuring the heart pumping effects of tennis drills, games, and skills delivering the ultimate full body and calorie burning aerobic and anaerobic workout.

    Cardio Tennis is a high energy fitness activity that combines the best features of the sport of tennis with cardiovascular exercise, delivering the ultimate, full body, calorie burning aerobic workout. Cardio Tennis is a very social activity for all ages, ability and fitness levels. The Cardio Balls equalize the playing field and enhance the workout.

     Cardio Tennis is a very social and fun class for players of all ability levels taught by a tennis teaching professional or fitness professional. If you’ve never played tennis before it is a great way to be introduced to the sport and if you are an experienced high level tennis player it is the best way to train for tennis.


Most classes have mixed ability and some facilities offer classes which are more specific to ability/fitness level. However, regardless of ability or fitness level the Cardio Tennis Leader is trained to provide the ultimate workout for each person. A true cardio tennis workout is typically 6-8 players per court, using the ability ladder, Cardio balls (red and orange tennis balls), music and heart rate monitors.


LOW : Cardio Tennis is the best way to start and train for tennis

MEDIUM :  Improve tennis skills

HIGH : Train for Tennis 


LOW : Cardio Tennis is the best way to start and train for tennis

MEDIUM :  Improve tennis skills

HIGH : Train for Tennis 

  • Fun, Healthy & Social Tennis
  • Cardio Tennis is an excellent way to get in to a more active lifestyle, meet new people, and improve your Tennis!
  • Burn More Calories in only 1 class, men can burn between 500 and 1000 calories and women can burn between 300 and 500 calories. Plus, it beats the monotony of a treadmill!