
We have a dedicated Nutrition support at Thanyapura Integrative Health Clinic. Whether you’re looking to reduce weight and keep it off, or to build more muscle mass and fuel your intense sports training – we’ve got you covered.

Our Dietitian (BHS, Russian Academy of Sciences fellow, fmr.) will help you to achieve your body composition and athletic goals. Staying true to our motto “We optimize your life”, our dietitian is also fully trained and certified to provide you Sleep & Recovery coaching support, so that you rest and recover well after your intense training.

Weight loss programs may be supported by in-house meal plans, with food served for you at our award winning DiVine restaurant on site, but we also offer remote coaching with Zoom calls and remote accountability. And of course we make use of latest BMI and other relevant tech so that our interventions are always data based.

Make your body composition and sport dreams come true with our nutritional support!

60 Minutes l 2,500 THB

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